Shadow Work® and Life Coaching

The way to completion, to becoming whole, is to face our shadow sides and bring them into the light, because our shadows hold us until we deal with them.

Do you sometimes feel stuck or held down in life?

Many times it helps us to talk something through with someone we trust. We receive well-sent advice and feel comforted by words such as: “if I were you…Have you considered trying…You just have to…Believe me, it will work out…“ or: “I hear you, it’s really a difficult situation and I’m sorry for.”

But in other situations advice and comforting words might not be enough and we recurrently find ourselves in the same dilemma again.

If you are interested in changing behavioural pattern which affect your daily life in an undesirable way this coaching could be the right approach for you.

How so? Sometimes we need to change perspective and look out of a new window in order to understand how and why certain patterns of behavior have emerged. Why did they become habitual? And what impact do they have on us to cleans our minds and hearts and relinquish often obsolete patterns deriving from the past, pain, fear, anger and deep-seated wounds.

Maybe you, too, have a window that has remained covered and hidden?

We all have the ability to find and open these windows, even if many times we need help to discover them. With the tools of Shadow Work® I support and guide you with an effective questioning technique to your hidden window.

By taking a new look at behavioral patterns that perhaps have made your life more difficult, you may be able to seethe hidden light under the shadow, discover your gold and free yourself increasingly from inner turmoil.

Shadow Work® is a method that can lead to inner healing and personal growth.

Instead of fighting against all you don’t want to think, feel or dress, you enter this process with an attitude of self-compassion. Once our shadow sides have been brought to light, accepted and consciously integrated into our lives, our inner peace returns - peace with ourselves and the world around us.

In my coaching, I focus on providing you with a safe environment in which you can work free of judgement, shaming and shame.

You set the topic, pace and depth of the coaching!

To find out whether this work is suitable for you, I offer you a pre-coaching interview by phone or video call free of charge

Recommended time for a coaching session : 3 hours max.

Coaching fees:

One session: € 250,- online 230€

Two sessions within a year: € 450,- online 400€

About me:

During my studies of archaeology, I learned how to excavate and put together long-hidden artifacts to better understand the past. When I first witnessed Shadow Work® in a workshop, I was fascinated by the healing and transformative effect it had on me.

Over the years and as a result of further Shadow Work® workshops and coachings, I decided to take up what I was trained in, but with different tools: uncovering the hidden shadows within us and bringing underneath treasures to light - this time our inner treasure.

If you like to learn more about Shadow Work®, this approach and the procedure of a coaching session, you will find more information under the links below.




or contact me by e-mail: heidiroedercoaching@gmail.com

Painting: “Lever du Jour”, Pierre Vogel, Geneva 1987